Best Short Game Training Aids
In compiling our recommendations for the best short-game training aids, we realized something startling.
The ever-inventive golf manufacturers haven’t developed many reliable and impactful training aids for short-game improvement. In comparison, there are many excellent (and some sketchy) long-game training aids on the market.
Instead of showcasing short-game training aids that try to teach you how to hold a hinged wrist (or some other specific technique), this post highlights some essential resources and equipment that will help support your short-game practice sessions.
Our best advice about improving your short game is to learn the basics. And then do everything you can to get out there and practice. Make your practices focused, convenient, and fun.
A couple of quick notes:
- Some of the items in our best short game training aids category (shag bags/tubes and mats) can be used for other parts of your golf game
- We will cover the best putting aids in a future post
- All highlighted aids have full review posts dedicated to them. To read those reviews, click on the section title or product item name (printed in blue font)
Best Short Game Training Aids: Best Short Game Books
While there are many mechanical and technical aspects to the short game, the short game also allows for a lot of choices and individuality in execution. In thinking about your last shot from 30 yards out, were you trying to:
- Fly the ball beyond the pin and draw it back?
- Execute a bump and run?
- Dare to land a flop shot precisely to eliminate a severe upslope in the green or clear a bunker?
- Utilize the green’s slope to draw the ball to the hole?
- Or, some combination?
Ultimately, no matter what “shot” is chosen, there are some time-tested fundamentals that most top short-game players utilize. Reading a couple of classic books is the best place to start learning these fundamentals. We recommend books from two recognized short game experts – Phil Mickelson and David Pelz.

Phil Mickelson has long been considered one of the best, if not the best, short-game players to play on the PGA Tour. Whether doing backward chip shots, amazing hole-outs from bunkers, or stopping long chips within inches, Mickelson is a short-game master.
In 2009, Mickelson published Secrets of the Short Game, instantly becoming a classic. The book focuses on both fundamental techniques as well as real on-course insight. When you read the book, you get big doses of time-tested mechanics. In addition, you get Phil Mickelson’s famous flare, as only he can deliver it.
The book details chipping, pitching, sand play, putting, flop, and lob shots. The book is easy to read, has plenty of visuals, and is comprehensive in its instruction about the short game.
Check Out Secrets of the Short Game on Amazon

While Phil Mickelson is one of the best short game players ever, Dave Pelz is considered the preeminent short game teacher. Like Vic Braden in tennis, Dave Pelz was one of the first teachers to bring advanced analytics into golf instruction. Pelz specifically focused on all shots within 50 yards of the pin.
At 450 pages, Pelz’s book, Short Game Bible: Master the Finesse Swing and Lower Your Score, dives into the nitty-gritty science and analytics behind short-game technique and strategy. Despite its considerable detail, this book is easy to read, comprehend, and implement.
It should be mentioned Dave Pelz has been Phil Mickelson’s short-game coach for decades.
Check Out The Short Game Bible on Amazon
Both books should be on your bookshelves or, more importantly, in your hands. Read, learn, practice, play!
Best Short Game Training Aids: Best Home Chipping Net and Small Practice Mat
As I mentioned, a golfer can only improve if he regularly practices the various short-game shots and techniques. A golfer will naturally practice more if it is easy and convenient. A chipping area in your basement or backyard is one way to make practice more convenient and likely.
We have recommendations for the best chipping net and small golf practice mat on the market for your use at home.

We recommend the JEF World of Golf Chipping Net as an excellent net for at-home chipping practice.
The net is 23 inches in diameter and has three sizes of chipping “baskets” built into the frame. These nested baskets allow players to practice with ever-smaller targets, improving focus and stroke precision.
The Chipping Net is 4.5 pounds and easy to set up and take down. It also comes at a reasonable price point.
Check Out JEF World of Golf Chipping Net on Amazon

A small golf mat is also needed to accompany the Chipping Net. Both are essential short-game training aids.
We recommend the Callaway FT Launch Zone Hitting Mat as an excellent chipping mat. This small mat is perfect for short game practice. The Callaway FT Launch Zone Hitting Mat is beneficial indoors, where carpets can get worn out from too much practice, and hard floors are just inappropriate.
At 8″ X 16″ X 1″ in dimension, this Callaway mat is small but perfect for the normal swing and speed of short game shots. We especially like this mat because of its relatively thick and heavy rubberized base. The design of the base inhibits it from sliding and gives a more realistic feel of impact. The base also protects a golfer’s wrists from jarring impact with the ground.
Check Out the Callaway FT Launch Zone Hitting Mat on Amazon
Best Short Game Training Aids: Best Shag Bag and Shag Tube

Some might find these golf ball shaggers to be an odd recommendation for a “best short game training aid.” We strongly disagree. These retrievers rank as some of our favorite training aids. These shaggers help us to stay out on the grass, practicing instead of throwing in the towel quickly.
Improvement comes from practice — consistent, continuous, and focused training. The worst part of a short game practice is gathering up the balls. The task is tedious, time-consuming, and back-breaking.
Whether in your backyard or at a short game range, a golf ball shagger greatly accelerates picking up golf balls and is a true blessing.
For a large-capacity retriever, the Original Shag Bag Shagger is the best of its breed. The Shagger comes in four colors and weighs 1.8 pounds empty. It is made of high-quality, heavy-duty metal and canvas. It holds up to 80 golf balls, allowing for a longer interval of practice before a golfer needs to retrieve the balls.
Check Out the Original Shag Bag Shagger on Amazon

We recommend the Proactive Practice Stick Ball Retriever if you want a smaller, more convenient retrieverProactive Practice Stick Ball Retriever.
This shag tube easily fits within most golf bags and holds 23 balls. This Ball Retriever has a click lever mechanism that secures or releases balls from the plastic tube. The trigger is operated with your foot or hand.
Check Out the Practice Stick Ball Retriever on Amazon
As said throughout this post, there is only one real way to improve your short game—consistent and focused practice.
We hope our best golf short-game training aids will help your game excel from 50 yards in!!